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Basic Creascopist® 


Basic Creascopist® 

For systemworkers in transition

Do you as a systemworker also feel more and more called to go your own way and to start living your true soul mission?

Do you dare to develop as a Lightworker and to start doing business from your own Light field?

Then the basic training for Creascopist® is something for you!

The Creascopist® basic training has been specially developed for systemworkers in transition who want to develop into a Lightworker or Lightmaster.

The basic training of 1 year starts per 01-01-2022.

In the basic training you learn to become acquainted with the Lightcode, your Cosmic DNA, and Spiral Learning®. As a prospectivec Creascopist® you must have this in your fingers if you want to be able to develop into a Light Master.

Under supervision and guidance of Jolanda Simons, you will work with your own Light Code and Spiral cyclic writing,which also forms the basis of the Creascopic process.

After the basic training, you will be examined to see whether there is a sufficient basis to move on to the vocational training to become an accomplished Creascopist®.








The basic training is a personalized learning journey. Each student takes their own Light Code, in which your lightfield and lightpower is contained, as a startingpoint. Because every Light Code is unique, every learning requirement is unique.

As a result, every student has his/her own private learning enviroment in which he/she can develop in to a Lightworker in his/her own time, pace, space and place.



"YOU are the only one with the key to your innermost core of your Self. But that doesn. t mean you understand what that means.

Daring to immerse yourself in your own Light initially hurts your eyes. Refocusing on your own Light becomes like a laser beam. A force that is initially frightening, but is quickly recognized as Self-Love.

Jolanda Simons.



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