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Welcome to the Cosmic Shell Academy for systemworkers in transition

International online and offline academy specialized in Creascopism®.

The Cosmic Shell Academy is an international private online and offline academy for Light Mastery, established by Jolanda Simons.

Systemworkers around the world who feel called to follow their soul destiny and to shape business in the outside world can make use of the academy.

The academy works from Creascopism®, a new learning flow for Cosmic  Selfcreation, which has its origins in a cosmosophic, phenomenon Cosmic DNA, which is embedded deep within ourselves as a lightcode and wait to be revealed to us to become.

The Cosmic Shell Academy is in full development and will formally start in 2020, the year of the great soul awakening, in which you can get started with the professional training to become a Creascopist®. In the context of the Coronacrisis, operationalization has been postponed to 2022.

The Cosmic Shell Academy works with Creascopy®, one of the holy revelation arts of the soul, discovered by Jolanda Simons in 1984, based on the Divine inner plan, which is stored within each of us as an unique Lightcode. It took Jolanda 40 years to get permission from the universe to be the messenger of this beautiful and powerful Art of revelation.

If you don't want to be trained as a Creascopist® but do want to use the expertise and guidance of Jolanda Simons, you can use the "Retreat on Crete".






Systemworkers in transition who

  • Be 28 or older
  • want to become the owner of their self-creating light field
  • dare to transform into 'Inner light being'
  • dare to commit to their authenticity
  • want to be inspired by nature
  • want to find the missing link in themselves
  • are ready for a fundamental process reversal from systemworker to Lightworker
  • are ready to unlock their true souldestiny
  • want to be part of an international swarm of Lightworkers who make the difference
  • want to become an inner guide for other systemworkers in transition




Full Disclaimer

A circle of 'inner light beings'

The soul journey Creascopy® is initiated by The Cosmic Shell Academy, an independent swarm of Lightworkers in transition who transform together into 'inner light beings'.

Lightworkers who participate in this new field of creation voluntarily and consciously choose to activate their lightcode in themselves and thus contribute to the bigger picture.They help themselves and each other to make economic use of their higher light energy they carry for themselves.

They take full responsibility for their understanding, actions and results of their self-creating energy field and agree with the privacy statement.

 IPP: Intellectual Property Protection

All services and products from Jolanda Simons are registered as trademark. Nothing from the website or working method of Jolanda Simons may be copied or stored in an automated file. All rights are reserved by Jolanda Simons. This service is protected by Dutch Law and the AVG (European General Data Protection Regulation of 25 May 2018) 

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